I think I’m wasting my youth

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    • #1335

        My mind is a mess, that’s for sure. And I’m finding it increasingly difficult to see a way out. I’m 18, and while my friends are out having fun, I’ve never dated anyone and rarely go out except to eat. I think I could do more with my life, but in college, I only have a few casual friends.

        and my parents are really strict ,don’t trust me, even I’ve never done anything wrong. It makes me sad becaus I feel like I’ve wasted my teenage years, and now I don’t know what to do. I just feel too down to enjoy being young.

      • #1336

          You’re young, I’m almost 35. At your age, I felt like I wasted my teenage years a bit. I spent most of it locked away, didn’t go to parties or date anyone. At 18, I was still figuring out who I was. I didn’t realize then that being unsocial was just a part of me. I had a friend and we’d get drunk sometimes, so I had a bit of a rebellious teenage experience.I tried to do normal things between 18 and my early 20s, but I learned it wasn’t for me.

          I was happier at home. Try different things, even if you have to push yourself. Having diverse experiences can help you regret wasted years less and learn more about yourself

        • #1337

            Your parents care about you a lot, especially since you’re only 18. Comparing yourself to others your age just makes you feel pressured to fit in. My advice? Try getting out more. Take long walks to clear your mind. If you want to date, focus on self-improvement first. Visit your college counselor and join social groups. It could help you reach your goals. 🙂

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